
Renewable Circular Systems Connected by Seeds



AOnce a seed is sown, it is nurtured by the sun, water, soil, and microorganisms.
Insects and birds come to help pollinate the seed, which eventually bears fruit.
In each fruit is the nurturing of nature and life.
ARMI collects worn-out T-shirts in-house
and designs a recycling environment around cotton seeds.



土壌中には膨大な数の微生物が生育しています。わずか1gの土壌に1010 〜1011個、6,000 〜 50,000 種のバクテリア、200mにも及ぶ糸状菌の菌糸が存在するといわれています。土壌微生物は、土壌中の物質変化を担い、作物生育に重要な役割を果たします。生分解とは、この微生物によって、有機化合物が水や二酸化炭素といった無機物まで分解されること。微生物の消費活動によって物質が分解され、自然に還ることをいいます。

A vast number of microorganisms grow in the soil. In just one gram of soil, there are 1010 to 1011 microorganisms, 6,000 to 50,000 species of bacteria, and up to 200 meters of filamentous mycelium. Soil microorganisms are responsible for the transformation of materials in the soil and play an important role in crop growth. Biodegradation is the breakdown of organic compounds by these microorganisms to inorganic substances such as water and carbon dioxide. Biodegradation refers to the decomposition of substances and their return to nature through the consumptive activities of microorganisms.


微生物の力を借りて、armiのTシャツを土に還します。着古したTシャツをarmiにお送りいただくと、返礼品としてコットンの種をお渡しいたします。その種をご家庭で育てていただき、収穫した綿で次の製品作りを。種を起点に古着を循環させるシステム、それをSEED CYCLEと呼びます。

With the help of microorganisms, armi's T-shirts are returned to the soil. Send your worn T-shirts to armi and we will give you cotton seeds as a return gift. You can grow the seeds at home and use the harvested cotton to make next product. We call this a SEED CYCLE, a system that circulates used clothingc by the seeds.



Join SEED'S and share information on cotton cultivation methods and tips with other SEED'S members. You will be able to enjoy growing cotton much more. The value of this experience can only come from the hands-on experience of imagining what you can do with the cotton you grow, rather than just buying the finished product. Let's enjoy growing cotton together.




To understand the functions of all life that exists, and to create a diverse environment in which it can be utilized to its fullest. To relearn the relationship between nature and people, and to co-create in peace with all life and nature. If each fact that children encounter is a seed from which knowledge and wisdom will eventually emerge, then a variety of emotions and a rich sensitivity are the fertile soil in which these seeds are nurtured. Permaculture is also a guideline for how to live and be. We design a way of living that restores the heart to the earth and to everyday life.


これは国が掲げる行動目標の指針の一つです。SEED CYCLEを通じて全ての人が平等で生産的な働きがいのある場所を提供いたします。

This is one of the guiding principles of the national action goal: "By 2030, all people, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, birthplace, religion, or economic status, should be empowered and not left behind socially, economically, or politically. SEED CYCLE provides a productive and rewarding place to work for all people on an equal basis.


農地は耕作を行わないで放置すると、雑草が生えたり害虫が発生し、害獣のすみかとなることがあります。 そして、耕作を放棄された土地が荒れるだけでなく、害虫や害獣の悪影響が近接する農地へと広がります。綿花は古来より、干拓地の最初の作物として植えられてきました。比較的手間がかからず栽培が容易な綿花は、耕作放棄地の活用に役立ちます。

When farmland is left uncultivated, weeds and pests can grow, and it can become a habitat for vermin. Then, not only does the abandoned land fall into disrepair, but the negative effects of pests and vermin spread to neighboring farmland. Cotton has been planted as the first crop on reclaimed land since ancient times. Cotton, which is relatively labor-saving and easy to grow, can help make use of abandoned land.


SEED CYCLEに共感し伴走してくれるパートナー企業さまを募集します。

We are looking for partners who share and accompany SEED CYCLE.
If you are interested in becoming a partner company, please contact us using the contact information below.